Cambridge Gulf Limited

CGL operates the Wyndham Port and supplies fuel into the East Kimberley, Gove NT and Weipa Qld. Our Kununurra fuel retail outlet offers the cheapest price in the North West and is regularly the cheapest in country WA.

CGL recently acquired a hotel in Kununurra which is being redeveloped into a facility that our community can be proud of.

CGL’s shareholders are from the East Kimberley so all of our money stays in our community.

100% of CGL’s East Kimberley Workforce live here and a significant number of our employees are indigenous.

CGL’s operations in Gove and Weipa are genuine 50/50 joint ventures with traditional owner partners. We are extremely proud of these operations and of the capability of both of our partners who are responsible for delivering essential services to two of the most remote communities in Australia. CGL is actively looking to build similar relationships across northern Australia.