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Who We Are & What We Do
Our Vision
A strong and effective voice representing the East Kimberley Business Community.
Our Mission
A united approach working collaboratively to stimulate Regional Economic Development that will strengthen our Region.
Promote the diversity and opportunities in the East Kimberley for the benefit of our members.
East Kimberley Chamber of Commerce and Industry is committed to working collaboratively with industry partners, businesses and all levels of government: local, state and federal; to build capacity in the East Kimberley region. We actively strive to achieve the best for your business and others around you for the whole of the community. Making an investment as a Member of the EKCCI will ensure you are kept abreast of issues that impact your business and livelihood.
The EKCCI has actively supported members and industry by representing EKCCI members on a range of committees and panels:
- Water Corporation Customer Advisory Panel
- Kununurra Liquor Accord
- East Kimberley Marketing Group
- Employment Roundtable
- Yajany Yarrawoo Ngoondebtha Anti-social Behaviors Committee
- Regional Aviation Committee
- Ports Authority Committee
- Ord Biosecurity Group
We have also been busy by:
- Funding and running Youth/Business Engagement initiatives to engage with youth to decrease anti social behaviour in our town
- Successfully advocating against hostel accommodation for youth returning from Banksia Park being established in the LIA
- Working with other stakeholders to attract potential investors, and hosting visiting investors
- Successfully engaging with Telstra to commit to Kununurra town mobile tower upgrade
- Supporting Cyphertel in their successful bid to roll out the Wireless nbn in and around Kununurra and Wyndham
- Working with Landcorp and SWEK to identify potential land developments
- Working with KDC to advocate for local suppliers and contractor to win regional contracts and tenders
- Engaging with potential, and active projects to ensure maximum local engagement of suppliers and contractors
- Managing the 5-year Kimberley Designated Area Migration Agreement (Kimberley DAMA) and request to extend the designated area across the broader Kimberley region, which will raise the profile of the Kimberley and our region’s contribution to boosting economic development across the entire region.
- Lobbied the Government successfully to secure a Freight subsidy for businesses impacted by the recent floods.
- Hosting events including monthly Business After Hours, International Women’s Day breakfast, the very successful East Kimberley Business Excellence Awards and the Kimberley Economic Forum.
And committing funds to:
- A Regional Product Branding strategy
- The East Coast direct flights
- Attending many and a varied range of forums on health, employment, transport and logistics, specific industry and economic development.
Your membership will provide necessary resourcing for us to continue to be an active and effective representative body in the region.